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Our Mission

Susquehanna Valley Law Enforcement Camp Cadet (SVLECC) strives to provide a fun, structured environment for youth ages 12 – 15 years old in Union, Montour, Snyder and Northumberland Counties. 

We focus on structure, teamwork, discipline and self-esteem during this one week residential camp. 

The goal of Camp Cadet is to introduce participants to the diverse criminal justice system and establish a positive relationship with law enforcement personnel, as well as expose the cadets to many career options, leadership, self-esteem training and team building opportunities. The camp and overall program is designed to provide participants with a better understanding of total law enforcement activities and at the same time learn the need for critical lifelong qualities of honesty, integrity and the quest for personal achievement based on the standards of excellence, trustworthiness and fairness.

Frequently Asked Questions

Applicants must reside in Union, Montour, Snyder, and Northumberland Counties. Send the completed application and essay to:

50 Lawton Lane
Milton, Pa 17847

You can also contact Sara Barrett at PA State Police, Milton at 570-524- 2662.


Susquehanna Valley Law Enforcement Camp Cadet was established in November 2004 and officially became a non-profit program in March 2005. The first SVLECC program was in the summer of 2006.

Meals, lodging and programs are provided at no cost to the applicant. Camp is a community benefit organization funded by various fundraisers and business and community donations. Although Camp Cadet is run by the Pa State Police it is not funded by the department or any other state agency.

2025 will be the 19th Camp that will be held at Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove PA. Not only do the Board of Directors make this Camp possible but without the generous help of many volunteer program instructors this Camp would not be possible.

The Susquehanna Valley Law Enforcement Camp Cadet Board of Directors is made up of various volunteers in the local community.  These volunteers give up their time to provide a worthwhile camp to our youth.